
Athletic Registrations and Tryout Schedules

First sport of the 2024-25 school year, click below:
Second sport of the 2024-25 school year, click below:
Winter Sports (boys' basketball, girls' basketball, wrestling, indoor track, swimming, bowling and unified bocce) begin on November 15th.  
Detailed tryout schedules are posted below. 

Follow these steps:

  1. To find your program, click on the link provided above and select Register Now.
  2. If this is your first time using FamilyID, click Create Account. Continue to step 3. If you already have a FamilyID account, click Log In, and continue with the registration, step 6.
  3. Create your secure FamilyID account by entering the account owner First and Last names (parent/guardian), E-mail address and password. Select I Agree to the FamilyID Terms of Service. Click Create Account.
  4. You will receive an email with a link to activate your new account.  If you don’t see the email, check your E-mail filters (spam, junk, etc.).
  5. Click on the link in your activation E-mail, which will log you in to FamilyID.com.
  6. Once in the registration form, complete the information requested. All fields with a red asterisk* are required to have an answer. For those participating in their first sport of the school year, **upload section 6 (physical CIPPE form, linked below) by clicking on the "choose file box" directly under participant information.  Here is the link to that form:  PIAA CIPPE Form.
  7. PLEASE NOTE:  Every athlete needs a new PIAA Physical Form before the start of every school year.  The PIAA Physical form is separate from the medical forms that students submit to the school nurse.  The PIAA Physical form must be submitted to the Athletics Office via FamilyID. 
  8. PRIOR TO ATTENDING ANY SPORT TRYOUT, every student must register online using the FamilyID platform and submit a new PIAA CIPPE Physical Form.  
  9. No student may try out for a Fall Sport until the FamilyID registration is completed and approved by the Athletic Department.
  10. Click the Continue button when your form is complete.
  11. Review your registration summary.
  12. The Athletic Office will review the registration for final approval. 
Once the final roster is submitted, a Sport Fee will be charged to the student's FACTS tuition account one month before the payment is due.  This charge usually occurs in Oct/Nov (Fall Sport Fees), Jan/Feb (Winter Sport Fees) and Apr/May (Spring Sport Fees).  The Sport Fee helps to cover the school’s expenses related to the sport – including transportation/busing, equipment, fees for officials/referees, and coaches’ salaries.  The current schedule of Sport Fees for each sport is posted in the Student Handbook.  Please note that any student with an unpaid fee will not be able to participate.  
Winter Sports Tryout Schedules:


Girls Basketball:

Friday 11/15 3:00-5:00 pm

Saturday 11/16 9:00 am-12:00 pm

Sunday 11/17 12:00-2:00 pm


****Location:  South Gym****


Boys Basketball:

Freshman/JV Tryouts:


Friday 11/15 2:15-4:30 pm

Saturday 11/16 1:00-3:00 pm

Sunday 11/17 12:00-2:00 pm



Varsity Tryouts:


Friday 11/15 4:30 pm-6:30 pm

Saturday 11/16 11:00 am-1:00 pm

Sunday 11/17 2:00-4:00 pm


****Location:  North Gym****





Monday 11/18  3:30-5:30 pm

Tuesday 11/19  3:30-5:30 pm

Wednesday 11/20  3:30-5:30 pm


****Location:  Wrestling room on the 2nd floor North Building.****



Monday 11/18  2:30-4:30 pm

Tuesday 11/19  2:30-4:30 pm

Wednesday 11/20  2:30-4:30 pm


****Location: William Tennent High School Swimming Pool****



Monday 11/18  3:00-5:00 pm

Tuesday 11/19  3:00-5:00 pm

Wednesday 11/20  3:00-5:00 pm


****Location:  Thunderbird Lanes on 1475 Street Road in Warminster PA ****


Indoor Track


Monday 11/18  2:45-4:30 pm

Tuesday 11/19  2:45-4:30 pm

Wednesday 11/20  2:45-4:30 pm

Thursday 11/21 2:45-4:30 pm


****Location: Archbishop Wood -- meet in North Parking lot by school building****