
Tuition & Financial Aid Information

Tuition: $11,150 
*Archbishop Wood students are required to purchase a school issued Chromebook.  The Chromebook fee of $650 is in addition to the tuition.
* During the year, additional fees may appear on your monthly statement for registration, athletics and other school charges, as applicable.
There is an additional charge of $1,500 for students enrolled in the special Learning Center - 

*There are sports fees in addition to the tuition. Click here for more info.

International Student Tuition: $12,650
International Fee: $2,075
Total: $14,725

Tuition and fees must be current in order to receive your roster and to send transcripts.

The applicable tuition charges and the school fee will be billed over 11 months from June through April.  Any grants or scholarships you have received will be applied to those charges. Payments will be made directly to FACTS Tuition Management.

There is a $42 per family charge due in June 2025 if you would like a monthly plan; $15 for a semi-annual plan; and no charge if you pay in full with the first billing. Families that sign up for ACH payment (Automatic electronic payment debited by FACTS) will receive a $125 credit at the end of the school year. The monthly late fee, if tuition is not paid on time will be $30.

Tuition Assistance: A limited amount of need-based financial aid is available. In order to apply for financial aid, families must fill out a FACTS application.  The FACTS application for the 2025-2026 school year will be available October 1, 2024.  If you have questions about the FACTS application process, you may speak with a FACTS Customer Care Representative at 866-441-4637.  

*In order to qualify for any Archbishop Wood issued scholarships, you must have a completed FACTS application on file.  

Academic Scholarships
Freshman year academic scholarships are awarded based on performance on the High School Placement Test (HSPT).  Test dates for 2025 are TBD.  Academic scholarships are granted for all four years of high school, given the student maintains a level of academic excellence while at Archbishop Wood.

Neumann Scholars Program
These are four-year, full tuition scholarships awarded to incoming freshmen based on an Archdiocesan-wide scholarship testing program. The program is sponsored by and funded through the generosity of the Connelly Foundation. Participation is handled through the parish elementary schools and awards are made on a Vicariate basis.

Viking Scholarships
Please click HERE for information on Viking Scholarships.

Monsignor John Mitchell Memorial Scholarship
The Monsignor John Mitchell Memorial Scholarship Fund supports Catholic African American students with exceptional academic ability who are in need of financial assistance. Scholarship(s) are awarded annually based upon the determination of the selection committee. For this scholarship, students must be:

- Catholic and African American
- In good academic standing with at least a cumulative B average at the time of the scholarship award
- Eligible for financial assistance as determined by a completed FACTS Grant and Aid application (online)
- Committed to serving his/her community
- Interested in or currently attending an AOPS high school

Norphans Scholarships
Norphans Scholarship: Since its inception, the Norphans organization has awarded over a quarter million dollars to children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren of North Catholic graduates who attend Catholic High Schools in SE Pennsylvania and South Jersey.

Corporal Jimmy O'Connor Memorial Scholarship Fund:  This scholarship is available to students whose parent or grandparent is an active or retired police officer.  They DO NOT have to be a graduate of North Catholic.

Cardinal Dougherty Scholarships
Bob Hughes & Betty Ann Kempf Scholarships: $1,000 scholarship awarded to one young man (Bob Hughes Scholarship) and one young lady (Betty Ann Kempf Scholarship) currently enrolled in grades 8 through 11.

We Are CD Scholarship: $1,000 scholarship awarded to five catholic school students currently enrolled in grades 8 through 11.

Bishop McDevitt Gold & White Grant
Each Spring, the Friends of Bishop McDevitt offers a limited number of 'Gold & White Grants' in the amount of $1000 for students who are attending a Catholic high school. To be considered for a Gold & White Grant the applicant must:
- Be related to a graduate of Bishop McDevitt High School (son/daughter, grandchild, etc.)
- Be an 8th grader who is accepted to a Catholic high school (private or diocesan)
- Submit a 1-2 page essay on a prompt supplied by the committee.
Click here to apply/learn more!
Hallahan Alumnae Association Legacy Scholarship
Any female student whose mother/grandmother/sibling/aunt/cousin graduated from John W. Hallahan will be offered a scholarship of $1,500 (per year) to honor their commitment to a Catholic education, and to further recognize the respected connection among all Archdiocesan high schools. Click here to apply!
St. Anthony Di Padova/Phyllis Rebbecchi Sr. Memorial Scholarship:
The St. Anthony Di Padova Society of Southwest Philadelphia, in partnership with the Lawrence and Phyllis Rebbecchi Sr. Memorial Scholarship, is offering scholarships for the 2025-2026 school year. Five $2,500 scholarships are available for high school students attending schools associated with Society members, including ours.
Eligibility criteria include: 
- Enrollment in high school for the 2025-2026 school year. 
- Practicing the Catholic faith. 
- A "B" or better average (report card required). 
- A 1,000-word essay on: How has Catholicism impacted your life?
Applications, available at stanthonysswphila.com/rebbecchi-memorial-fund, must be postmarked by February 1, 2025. Winners will be notified by April 15, 2025.   
Ellis Trust Grants
Grants from The Ellis Trust are awarded to girls entering grades 9-12 attending Philadelphia-area schools. Girls who attend parochial or independent schools are eligible for Ellis Tuition Assistance Grants. Grants from the Ellis Trust are awarded to girls who meet the following criteria:
- Identify as female.
- Live in Philadelphia.
- Live in a household where there is a single parent or in a household where one or both parents have a documented disability.
- Meet the family income eligibility requirements for reduced-priced lunch under the National School Lunch Program (see Income Requirements below.)
- Have grades of “C” or better.
- Are making academic progress toward a timely graduation.
- Can prove their dependency status (name appears on their family’s tax return or Department of Human Services documentation.)
- Are in a family that does not own property other than their primary home.
Scrip Grants
Families purchase scrip certificates for a variety of stores and receive a five percent voucher that is applied directly to the student’s current tuition account.

529 Plan Provision
529 plan account owners may use assets to pay for qualified K-12 tuition expenses up to $10,000 per year, per student. Account owners can treat qualified K-12 withdrawals as qualified expenses with respect to the federal and Pennsylvania state tax benefits. For additional guidance on this provision, please consult a qualified tax adviser about your personal situation.